Local Non-Profit Donates Guitars to Clark County Schools – just in time for the school year!

August 28, 2024

Life By Music (LBM), a non-profit organization based in Las Vegas, recently made a significant contribution to music education in Clark County by donating guitars to several local schools. This initiative is part of LBM’s ongoing commitment to enriching the lives of young people through music. By providing instruments to students, LBM is helping to ensure that music programs remain a vibrant part of the educational experience in Las Vegas, where access to resources can sometimes be limited.

Donation Details: Schools and Event Highlights

The guitar donation drive by Life By Music reached several schools within the Clark County School District (CCSD) in early August of 2024. The schools included in this donation were: Virgin Valley, Legacy, Cimarron, Western, Desert Oasis, Palo Verde, Del Sol, LVA, Green Valley and Moapa Valley High Schools, and Cram, Hyde and Saville Middle Schools. 

Guitar teachers and program directors from each school got to choose between nylon or steel string guitars. Between these 13 schools, a total of 150 guitars were placed into the hands of these young adults.

 Las Vegas Academy of the Arts, Ed W. Clark High School, and Roy Martin Middle School. These schools, known for their strong music programs, received dozens of guitars, which were immediately integrated into their curricula.

At Las Vegas Academy of the Arts, a school with a rich history of excellence in performing arts, the donation was met with enthusiasm. The music director expressed gratitude, stating,

These guitars have given our students a new avenue to express themselves. We’re seeing a renewed energy in our classes.” The school’s music program, which emphasizes creativity and discipline, has been significantly bolstered by the addition of these instruments.”

Legacy High School guitar director, Mr. Syrovy, another beneficiary, expressed the impact of having the right supplies for his students by saying,

“Life By Music’s gracious donation will help keep guitars and music in student’s lives for years to come.”

Impact on Music Programs and Student Development

The impact of these donations extends beyond simply providing instruments; it’s about empowering students and giving them the tools they need to explore their musical talents. Teachers across the district have reported an increase in student engagement and enthusiasm for music classes since the arrival of the guitars.

At Cram Middle School, students who had never held a guitar before are now learning to play, developing not only musical skills but also important life skills such as perseverance and discipline.

“Life By Music’s guitar donation has helped us to begin a new generation of students as they develop a passion for music and performance. They will build skills, teamwork, discipline, confidence and a sense of accomplishment as they share the love of music with family, friends and with our community.” shared the guitar teacher from Mark Schell.

Community and Media Response

The guitar donations have garnered significant attention from the local community and media. News outlets such as KTNV Channel 13 and the Las Vegas Review-Journal covered the donation event, highlighting the positive impact that Life By Music is having on local schools. In an interview with KTNV, a teacher from Las Vegas Academy of the Arts mentioned, “This donation has not only provided instruments but has also inspired our students to think bigger and pursue their musical dreams.”

The community has also responded positively, with many expressing appreciation for the role that Life By Music plays in supporting education. The organization’s efforts have underscored the importance of collaboration between non-profits and schools in fostering an environment where students can thrive.


Life By Music’s donation of guitars to Clark County Schools represents a meaningful investment in the future of Las Vegas’ youth. By equipping students with the tools to explore music, LBM is helping to cultivate the next generation of musicians and ensuring that music education continues to be a vital part of the school experience.

As Life By Music continues to expand its reach, the organization remains dedicated to its mission of empowering students and supporting music education. To learn more about how you can support Life By Music and their ongoing initiatives, visit their official website. Together, we can help keep the music alive in Las Vegas schools and beyond.