Brandon Beach

Board of Directors

A Las Vegas native with a life and career filled with serving others. I have 25 years of hospitatliy experience, 22 of those years in leadership roles in various divisions in the Hospitalty industry in a variety of different brands. I have a true passion for people and all of the amazing experiences and perspectives that each human brings and shares with others. It is from those experinces thatwe as individuals draw connections, inspire others, help those around us, and feed for more. This is where Ryan and his vision for Life by Music truly inspires me.

My journey with music started, as like many others, as a young man going thru school. Active in band for several years, I learned the many benefits that music brings a young adult including a sense of accomplishment, goal setting, dedication, creative learning, teamwork, etc. I later learned of the many psychological benefits that the sound of music and the process of creating music has on the brain. All of which has helped me to become a better leader and father. Fast forward to several years ago, as a father, I found one of my fondest memories with my daughter to be taking guitar lessons with her and watching her learn the various cords and get excited when she was able to play her very first song.

Life by Music provides people with the very opportunities my daughter and I were able to enjoy and I commit to help to provide those same joys in life that we have been fortunate enough to experience.